If you are throwing a sports themed party (like I did recently - here), you may be wondering how to incorporate all those salty, sporty snacks into your event. I decided to do a play on the oh-so popular sweet dessert tables. We swapped out most of the sweet goodies for sporty favorites like sunflower seeds and Cracker Jacks. Our halftime snacks display table was so easy to make!
These "Halftime Snacks" were a huge hit. I often found guests scooping up their favorites into individual bags and even huddling (get it) around the table grabbing handfuls of these salty treats.
The "Halftime Snacks" sign was adapted from a free printable from Hostess with the Mostess. See the DIY originals here.
Classic sport favorites like Big League Chew and Slim Jims fit into this sports theme perfectly.
What To Include As Halftime Snacks
This savory (and a little sweet) dessert table included some traditional ballpark and stadium favorites:
- Sunflower Seeds
- Peanuts
- Pretzels
- Corn Nuts
- Slim Jims
- Cracker Jacks
- Big League Chew
- Hot Tamales
- Boston Baked Beans
Do you like this halftime snack display? Did we leave one of your favorite treats out?
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Bridget says
Is the halftime snack sign available in a printable?
sugutroh says
Alex gemma atkinson nude started to get inside his fosterdaughter. Mmmmm. As a haughty grin.
Shandi A says
So cute and I looove the boston baked beans yumm so good! My man would looove this !
Elaine Rakoczy says
This would be adorable for a Rehearsal Dinner theme honoring the groom and the sport he loves!
Diane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com} says
What a great spread!
Jeanne Benedict says
Very cool. Dig the red, white, and blue theme for holidays or any sporty soiree!
Tasha says
I'm an amateur over here and I've gotta say - I totally could have used this inspiration before I did my sports themed party! Love, love love it! Mine's here: http://diyingtobedomestic.wordpress.com/2010/06/09/sports-themed-birthday-party/.
Courtney @ Pizzazzerie says
I really love this! Such cute ideas. I love the "sports themed" treats too - like Cracker Jacks!
At Home with Kim Vallee says
The colors work well together. It looks fun, casual and yet it feels sophisticated due to the way you nicely display everything. Congratulations, Tori!