I have been so eager to share this circus birthday party with everyone. What I love most about this circus theme party is that the details were easy to make so anyone can recreate it!

Also, many of the DIY circus party decorations cost almost nothing because they were made from supplies I already had at home!

This circus party theme was held for a very special one year old's birthday. When his mom decided circus was the theme she wanted, I got to work planning all the details–most of the which were DIY elements.
The Circus Party Theme Invitation
I created a "circus ticket" as the party invitation which mimice a typical red ticket you would see at a circus or carnival. I used red cardstock paper and just printed them out at home. Once printed, I trimmed around the design to make the ticket look oversized. The invites were 5x7 in size so they fit into a regular card envelope.
The back of the ticket invitations had more pertinent party info for the guests to read.
DIY Circus Party Theme Details
When you're creating DIY party decorations it's best to pick a couple elements (this could be specific colors or accents) and carry them throughout the whole party. To bring the circus party theme to life, I chose two design elements to carry through the entire party.
The elements I used throughout my DIY details were:
1. The red ticket design
2. A circus font which I downloaded for free and used on everything that I printed at home
This party had many DIY elements that cost virtually nothing. And since birthday parties can become very costly, this was a must. I love DIY party decor because you spend less without loosing the "awe" factor!
When guests arrived at the party, they were greeted with welcome sign that was made out of old cardboard and some craft paint. Simple, right?
At the entrance was a table filled with party bags for each child. The labels read "Step Right Up" and were each personalized using that fun circus font I mentioned. Inside the bags were bundles of red tickets that each guest would use during the party to exchange for fun games, prizes, and snacks. The bags were large enough so that they would fit several goodies that the kids would get throughout the party day.
Throughout the party space was this handmade paper pennant. This is my favorite party decoration because it is super easy (and inexpensive) to make and adds such a decorative impact. I made it with cardstock, ribbon, and a stapler. Paper pennants are my go-to inexpensive party decor item.
Tip: You can make this way ahead of time and store it easily folded until it's time to decorate for your party.
More signs made out of cardboard and paint to decorated the party space. Not only where they a fun decoration, but they let little ones know how many tickets they were required to exchange for each activity.
I was so surprised that the tickets themselves seemed to be the biggest hit of the circus party. The kids just loved counting out and handing over their tickets!
Oh and this is the birthday boy...rocking his "1" tee matching the party colors of course! A personalized tee is a perfect party accessory. Order in your party colors and with with the age of the birthday child or their initial. Of course the birthday boy needed a wardrobe change. He went from his "1" tee to a "Ring Leader" tee which you can see below.
Games & Activities For A Circus Party
Tailor your circus games and activities to the ages of your guests. Here are some ideas that we did:
- Ball Toss
- Circus themed photo booth
- Circus tattoo station
- Circus coloring activities
Many fun circus games, activities and fun all "big top" themed. The kids loved "paying" for the games with their tickets.
Food For A Circus Theme Party
You can't go wrong with keeping it simple for your your circus party food. We created a DIY concession stand.
The "concession" stand was a brilliant addition by the fabulous caterer, Laura. She whipped this mock concession stand up using tables, milk crates, zip ties and table clothes. It was so creative and a huge hit! The food included:
- Corn dogs
- Slices of pizza
- Bags of Chips
- Bottles of water, lemonade, and soda
Of course, payment for the concession stand snacks were made by little red tickets.
This might be as simple as centerpieces get. We filled bowls with peanuts. Don't forget a bowl for discarded shells. Of course, be mindful if there are any children with peanut allergies. If you're not sure, you could serve popcorn instead.
We made these cupcake toppers using cardstock and a home printer, but I love the idea of classic circus balloon toppers (you can get them here).
The paper pennant flags even made a mini appearance taped around the cupcake tower.
Here's a picture before the birthday boy's highchair become covered in big top birthday cake.
There was a circus tattoo station that the kids just loved. A popcorn machine, popping fresh kernels all afternoon that was scoped into cute paper popcorn bags. A fun circus pinata and many other circus"y" details.
And my favorite part of this circus theme...the DIY photo booth!
Just a couple more photos, I promise!
Just place a coat rack or basket near your booth with fun props. We made this booth out of a refrigerator box, fabric and paint. So simple!
And for a party favor, what else but circus cookies? Tied to each was ribbon and a red ticket with "Thank You" written on it. You can buy these by the dozen right on Amazon!
Believe it or not, there were many other details to this party but they all had one thing in common–they were simple and inexpensive. Thank you for reading and I hope to inspire your next circus theme party in some small way.
Related Party Themes

Shell says
How did you do stickers for goldfish prize?
Tori says
I used address lables (from office supply store) and added the design on my computer then printed at home. Then, I put the label on orange construction paper, folded over ziploc, and stapled them.
Chrissy Bender says
I Love the goldfish label! Can you share your printable? :)
Your Hostess says
Hi Yari -- the box was actually from a refrigerator someone had just purchased. You might be able to ask your local appliance or furniture store if they have a similar sized box they would give you. Worth a shot! This party was not too expensive as you'll notive the food was pretty simple and most all of the decor and games were DIY projects. Good luck with your party!
yari says
hey where did you get the fridge box and how much would you say was spent on the party i have pne of the same theme due in days help with ideas
Mel says
Love the whole party......Esp Love the fabric photo cut out. Where did u get it?
Your Hostess says
Thanks Mel! It was from Michael's Craft Store -- but it was a few years back.
Your Hostess says
It's called "Circus!"
Msyellow says
Hi. What font do you use for your "photobooth" picture?
Hostess Tori says
Tiffany, you can search Esty.com for cute shirts like this. Also ... Zazzle (which I think this one was from). Good luck with your party!
Tiffany says
Where did you get the cute little "ringleader" shirt! Love the party by the way! Having a circus theme for my soon to be three year old in September! :)
Devan says
How did you do the actual photos in the photo booth? Did you have someone standing there taking each picture? Adorable party!!
Your Hostess says
Hi Devan, we actually had a teen volunteer (aka big sister) taking the kids' photos. Then, during cake and ice cream, she printed them out inside and they got to take them home.
Cassey says
This is so great. I especially like the photo booth. Do you happen to know where the red and white polka dot bow tie is from? I've been looking for something just like that.
Tori says
Jamie, I played around with some of the frames offered in Adobe Photoshop Elements to get that border. You can try Googling "photoshop frames" and see what images come up?
Jamie says
Thanks so much for the great invite idea.... can you PLEASE tell me how you made the ticket "border" with the inverted corners? I was able to recreate all of the invite except for that part. Thanks!
India says
Great Ideas! Thank you for sharing!
Cher says
Amy says
What a cute party! I love the goldfish prize!
Nicole says
Hi there, I'm throwing my daughter a carnival theme for her 5th and golden birthday in Sept. I have a lot of ideas I've found looking on different websites...but I really like your concession stand and photo booth (what did you make the photo booth out of?) I also love the flags, great idea! I was wondering what other things you did, so I can have more ideas to help me! Thanks a bunch!
Your Hostess says
@Katherine - the flag pennant banners are simply triangles of card stock paper stapled to a ribbon (nothing fancy!).
@Margaret - thank you so much for your kinds words. Happy to hear your thoughts and a big congrats on starting your own business!
Margaret Lloyd says
your projects are all so simple & achievable. i do alot of fundraising work plus iam starting up my own party business. i can't thank you enough for sharing these inspirational ideas.
Katherine Roudabush says
How do you make the flag banners? We are throwing a circus baby shower and they would be great to tent the ceiling with.
Katherine Roudabush says
How do you make the flag banners? We are throwing a circus baby shower and they would be great to tent the ceiling with.
Sandi says
I linked to this today in my post about cute photo booths!
What a great party - you thought of everything!
lenin says
Does anyone know were to get the animal mural with face cut outs? i would really appretiate it thank you
Christina says
Hello, I am having my son his 1st birthday party in Oct and we are doing the carnival theme, I am just curious of any of your other suggestions.. Thank You!
lenin says
how did you do the old style letters
Desiree says
im having a sweet 16 this coming july, and i wanted a photobooth but with everything being so expensive,i thought the photobooth you posted up would be simple and cheaper to have,yet it would still have fun to have at my party!
Any ideas or tips you can give on how did you make it?
Thanks so much,
sara says
I am planning a carnival theme for my daughters 5th birthday and although I already had some ideas, you've given me some fantastic extras. Cant wait to put them into action Thanks
April says
Great Ideas!! I'm having my son's 1st birthday this summer and it is going to be a carnival/circus theme. I was just wondering, how did you get the font? I seen you said it was downloaded for free on that site. But when I go to download it..i don't know where it ends up? If you can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Brandy says
Thanks for all you ideas...Im using most of your ideas plus some of my own for my son's first birthday party this weekend. I cant wait.
Hostess Tori says
Karina- it was from Michael's Craft Store. Hope that helps!
karina minauro says
Hi there,
Thank you so much for some great ideas!.. I actually wanted to know where you found the banner with the face cut outs.. I cant find them anywhere. Could you help me... Thanks so much in advance
Kim says
Do you have a template or instructions on how to make the ticket invites? Thanks so much for the help!!
Your Hostess says
Hi Kim, you know I don’t have any template or instructions. I got the idea from Caroline Armelle’s blog (link above) and just took her visual inspiration and played around in Adobe Photoshop until I got the “ticket look I wanted.” Sorry I can’t be of more help!
Kim says
Do you have a template or instructions on how you made the ticket invitations?
Your Hostess says
Hi Stacey, the banner with the three holes for your face– it was from Michael’s (a craft store). I checked their online selection (http://www.michaels.com/art/online/home) and did not see it. It was purchased from the store itself.
Stacey says
I am wondering where you got your three hole photo banner? I love it and would love to get one for my daughter's circus party.
Alexis says
What a great party! So many fun details. The simple, thoughtful things like the goldfish, signage, etc. make it so special. I love the ringleader shirt!
Chris @ Celebrations At Home says
Hope you don't mind me sharing this on my blog today!
Your Hostess says
You are more than welcome Vickie, glad I can help to make your party planning a bit more simple!
Vickie says
Oh! My! What an adorable party!! So creative, yet simple and inexpensive! I am definitely going to bookmark this page for a future party for my Girls...LOVE IT! Thanks for all the links on where to order things, what a huge help!!
Chris @ Celebrations At Home says
This is so great, and the absolute cutest photos from a photo booth EVER!!!
Kim @ The Celebration Shoppe says
Adorable and inspiring!
Priscilla says
Great party...my kids had such a great time. There was so much to do and so easy for a one and two year old. They loved the tickets and the photo booth the most. Cambria had so much fun using her tickets to buy food and still has her little brown bag from the party. I'm definitely passing this info to all my friends in the OC.
Can Can (Mom Most Traveled) says
This is a fabulous idea; I already have a roll of tickets that I could use! Thanks for the inspiration!
Chris says
This idea was very cute. Great ideas I would never thought of this. I will pass these ideas on.
Richa says
Such a wonderful idea...and so cost effective too.
Loved the photo booth with the fun props. The cupcakes are so colorful.
Sarah says
By far the best party! Thanks for all the great ideas!
silvana says
So great. So creative. I love it. The photobooth is amazing and the invites came out perfect.
Kim says
So cute, Tori!! Great job! I love the photo booth!! Thanks for the mention, the cupcake stand looks fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend!