When it came time to choose a theme for my little London's 5th birthday–I knew I wanted to do a breakfast birthday party and decided it would be fun to make it also a pajama party. Since she's a little young for a traditional sleepover, it was a nice twist and made for a really unique birthday party theme!
My inspiration for the color palette was non-peril sprinkles (you know, the little colorful dots?) because they just scream BIRTHDAY!
The party was on her actual birthday (2 days before Christmas!) and it was fun to wake her up with new "birthday pajamas" for her birthday breakfast party and a darling pancake necklace. She loved this little gift.
The breakfast table was set for 12 little ones and I made it bright & cheery–just like a birthday morning should be! I rented a shorter, kid-sized table and kid-sized chairs which worked out perfectly.
This table set up would also work great for a kids baking birthday party!
I designed simple paper placemats for each child to color (FREE printable here!). This kept their little hands busy while the parents greeted one another and grabbed a cup of coffee.
Coffee, creamer, chocolate spoons, birthday bark and fruit made up a little "rise & shine" station for the moms & dads.
The real sugary fun took place over at the cereal buffet and birthday pancakes station! Loved the colorful birthday banner (and it matched the table runner she made perfectly)!
All the sugary cereal a kid could dream of–a true birthday treat for our little one! Served in these darling kraft paper bowls. I stamped the wooden spoons
with "Happy Birthday" which was an easy way to add something special. The vintage milk carafes were a great thrift-store find.
Mini yogurt parfaits (I used these cups), funfetti pancakes and flavored syrups were all out for grabs. The Mr. whipped up pancakes and bacon to order outside since it was such a gorgeous December morning.
These vintage syrup dispensers were also an Etsy find–and I LOVE having them in my collection now :).
My other favorite element was the breakfast "dessert" table. Donuts and cinnamon rolls that delighted every kid (and several parents)!
It was just so much fun to put together! The donut pops stood up perfectly in these bright containers.

And these little edible toppers from Edible Details ... can you say, PERFECT? I could not get enough of these darling stacks of pancakes–they were so adorable! And the muffin toppers matched our invite perfectly, just so cute!
Activities and Games: We let the kids make cereal necklaces and also played a pancake relay game.
The birthday pancake-cake looked like a stack of giant pancakes, but was really a cake! It was a little tough to convince the birthday girl that we weren't serving more pancakes (that yes, this was an actual CAKE), but once she tasted it -- it was a hit! This is the recipe I used.
For favors, we sent the sugar-overloaded guests home with something that would pick them up after their (inevitable) afternoon crash ... Fruity Pebbles rice crispy treats. Oh yes, try them, they are so good!
Here's the birthday girl! A big thanks to all those who helped with her party, attended her special day (bright & early!) and to those reading now–thank you!
How To Plan A Birthday Breakfast Party Theme
There were so many fun details to this party (shared above), but here are a few things that stood out. If you're planning a party like this, be sure to consider these elements:
- Ask guests to wear pajamas (even parents!)
- Set up a cereal bar, because who doesn't love fun cereal?
- Have paper placemats kids can color while they eat breakfast
- The pancake race game (grab spatulas from the dollar store!)
- Create a sweet "breakfast bar" instead of typical birthday desserts
Food To Serve At A Breakfast Party
You really can't go wrong with breakfast! Depending on how hands on you want to be, you can keep things really simple or go all out! Here are a few ideas of what food to serve at a breakfast birthday party:
- Pancake station (you can premake these and keep warm if you prefer)
- A cereal bar with a variety of milks to choose from (at least one non-dairy option)
- Pastries
- Donuts
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Yogurts or fixings for yogurt parfaits
- Fruit
- A bagel bar
- Juices, coffee, hot cocoa, and/or tea
Activities For A Breakfast Party (Older Kids)
I recently has a reader asked for more activity ideas for older kids so here are a few I think would be a lot of fun!
- Have a simple Breakfast Party coloring book on the table for kids to color while they're seated
- Cereal themed Minute To Win It games (these games look fun!)
- Some type of "guess the cereal" flavor game using a blindfold
- For kids that love art, design your own cereal box and have an art show
- I found this printable party game that looks like it could be fun (ages 8-11)
- Instead of egg toss, do a pancake toss!
- Decorate pillow cases using fabric markers
- Decorate sleep masks (I made these DIY sleeping masks)
- Do a mini spa activity like face masks or nail painting which is fun in pajamas
- Watch a movie!
What do you think? Is there a breakfast birthday party in your future?
Related Posts
For a look back at London's 4th birthday, check out her Cowgirl Party.
You can also see her 3rd birthday, a Sweet Shoppe party.
Invites, Paper Elements, Styling | Thoughtfully Simple
Here's a link to download the paper placemats and signs!

chels says
Hi, how did you get the cinnamon roll toppings to look like pancakes, syrup and butter. It's amazing!
Tori says
They were a custom order from a baker!
Skylan says
Hey! I loved that, It was so fun. Actually my birthday is tommorow! I'm turning 11! I'm actually having a breakfast party. I looked up ideas for a breakfast party and I saw this! Those were some AMAZING ideas! What should I do for activities, that's the one thing I don't know.
Tori says
Hi Skylan, happy birthday!I just added a whole section with a list of ideas for older kids. Take a look!
Erin says
I love this so much! This is my daughter’s theme this year! Is there anyway you could do the placemat for “10”? Thank you!
lauren says
Love all of these ideas! Is it still possible to get the printable place mat for a 7 year old?
thank you!
Jasmine says
Hi There! I absolutely love the birthday party idea. My daughter is turning 4 next week and we are doing the same theme. I am having some issues downloading the file. Is there anyway that you can email me the files? My daughter is turning 4 and my email is jsmir1636@gmail.com
Thanks again!
Linda says
Hi! Great job! Everything looked great! We will be having our own pancakes and pajamas 1st Birthday Party for my daughter this Sunday. thank you for sharing the menu templates as well as the good morning sign and pancake sign! I will definitely be using those and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing the rest of the templates that you had pictured? Lrobles6582@gmail.com THANKS!!
Lynn says
Hi! What was the party time you listed for the breakfast birthday party?
Tori says
Hi Lynn, We started at 10:30.
Laurie says
I'm planning a pancake party for my daughter and was wondering if there is a file to edit and print the invitation?
Sarah says
Thanks so much for posting the files. We will be using them this Saturday for my daughter Alice's 5th. This is so appreciated!
Laurie says
Too cute!!! I absolutely love all your decorations and details from the party! I downloaded your signs and place mats to use at my daughter's 3rd birthday which is also a pancake and pajama party. Thank you for sharing those! Would you mind sharing the other signs too? I was hoping to print off "Rise & Shine - Coffee & Creamer," "Have A Great Day" and "Donuts Donuts Donuts." Thank you so much! My email is lauriemreece@gmail.com
Niki W says
Thank you for sharing this printable! I am going to use it at my daughter's 5th birthday party. What an amazing party you accomplished!
Jon says
Those are some awesome party ideas. I am going to use some of these for my 4-year olds birthday that is coming up. Thanks for sharing the great post and pictures.
Nancy M says
Hi!! I absolutely love the idea of a pancakes and pajamas birthday party! I was wondering what time did you have your party start? Thank you!!!
Tori says
Hi Nancy, we started at 10:30!
Krystle says
I absolutely love your ideas? Is there a place where we can download the invitation? Also could you email the placemats,etc. My daughter is turning three, so I'll have to change some things! Thanks!
Suzanne says
This party theme is just darling. I am planning one similar for my daughter Brynn's 5th birthday next month. Tori, you are a genius! I too, am wonderful about the invitations. I assume you designed them yourself?
Cori says
Hi! I am not able to download it without paying $10 to scribd. Can you email to me as well? cori.wiersig@gmail.com
Also, do you sell the invites?
Tori says
Hi Cori! I just moved the download to Google, so you shouldn't have any trouble printing them now. Click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B00hXS6JdS1da0lWS2h3Q3VYVnM/edit?usp=sharing
(I don't have the invite file though, sorry!)
Bobbie says
I wasn't able to access the signs through the provided website. Would you mind emailing them to me? I would like the 5 placemat, pancakes sign, rise and shine coffee, and good morning sign! THANK YOU SO MUCH for providing these things for free! It really is special to be able to make our daughter's party cute and affordable! Thanks!!! bobbie.joann@gmail.com
Tori says
Hi Bobbie! I just fixed the download link. You should be able to print them easily here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B00hXS6JdS1da0lWS2h3Q3VYVnM/edit?usp=sharing
Briana Carroll says
Hi Tori- I'm just dying over the cuteness of your party!! You are one talented mama! I am throwing my daughter a pancakes and pajamas party next weekend and started pinning your pictures early on! I'm finding that Scribd is charging for your downloads and was hoping you could email me them? I would absolutely love the 2 placemat and am also loving your Good Morning Sunshine, birthday pancakes, donuts, good morning and rise and shine coffee signs... so pretty much love them all!! Any that you wouldn't mind sharing I would absolutely love, thank you Tori! My email is bri@thedaileymethod.com
Tori says
Hi Briana, glad you love the party! I'm emailing the signs right over. Keep an eye out :)
Autumn says
Hi! What a cute party!!! To get the birthday pancake and good morning signs do you have to have an account on scribd? I want to use those for my daughters party so I thought I would ask before I signed up.
Tori says
Hi Autumn! I think they have changed some of their settings. If you email me hostess@thougthfullysimple.com I would be happy to send you the files. Just let me know what number for the birthday girl.
LyndseyN says
Could you email me the "3" placemat to lyndseyn at gmail dot com? I'm planning my son's "pajamas and pancakes" party for the end of the month and I'm soooooo excited about this placemat!!!!
Gina says
Can you email me the file for the 6th birthday placemat? I emailed you at the email address above also. Thank you!
Tori says
Just sent it your way Gina!
kelly says
I am unable to download the placemats for FREE. Scribd is trying to make me pay for downloads. Can you help? Thanks so much!
Tori says
Hi Kelly, let me know which you'd like and I would be happy to email them to you! Hostess@thoughtfullysimple.com
Kimberlee says
Tori - Can you create one a placemat for a & year old or do you have a blank one? I just tried to download on Scribd and it is making me sign up for an account and charge! Any change you can email me the Good Morning Sunshine printable and Pancake Breakfast one also? Of course I just found this and the party is tomorrow, at 8:30am PST!
Any chance you could help?
Tori says
Just sent!
kim says
Everything is soooo cute! Can you help me with the 4 year old free placemat print?
Tori says
Just emailed it Kim!
Jill says
This party is so fun! If you're still sharing after all this time, I would love to use your ideas and printables.
I would like to print any of the signs you are willing to share (even those not shown on the link, like donuts) and a 4 placemat. Also, would you be willing to share the invite, or where you purchased. I haven't found anything nearly as cute.
Thanks so much!
Tori says
@Jill - just emailed you!
Elena says
Great party! Is there any way I could please get a "2" placemat to print?
Tori says
Just sent to you!
Aleksandra says
Hello I would love the "3" placemat would you might emailing it to me?
Your Hostess says
I just emailed it. Have a great party!
Jennifer says
Hello! I love this party theme and in fact, I party-lifted it for my twins' 7th bday. Would you be so kind to email me the placemats with a 7? I would greatly appreciate it. Your party looked so awesome. Thanks in advance.
Your Hostess says
Just sent! Happy party planning :)
Sarah says
I was wondering if there would be anyway you could email me the "6" placemat? Also if you are willing to part with the Good Morning sign and Birthday Pancake Sign as well? My daughter's party is on the 11th... Pretty pretty please? I will forever be in your debt!!!!
Sarah Johnson
Your Hostess says
Hi Sarah,
An email is coming your way. So happy you like the party :)
Jamie says
Hi there!
I would LOVE you if you could email me the 3 placemat and the Good Morning Sign and the Birthday Pancake Sign! My daughter turns 3 in May and this is our party theme!
Crystle says
I hadn't received your email with the 5th bday placemat.... I'm hoping it didn't go into my spam folder. Would you please send it again asap? THANKS SOOOOO MUCH! My daughter's bday is around the corner and I'm super grateful to have it. Crystle781@aol.com
Your Hostess says
Glad you got it in time and hope the party turned out wonderfully Crystle!
Crystle says
Thanks so much! Crystle781@aol.com I appreciate it! :)
Crystle says
Thank you for sharing your ideas!! I was sad that I was unable to print your adorable place mats. It required a membership and fee to sign up. :( May I contact you another way to have the 5th birthday place mat emailed to me? Thanks so much!
Your Hostess says
Hi Crystle, I'll email it to you!
Amy says
We did a breakfast pajama party for my daughter's 6th birthday, but kept the food much simpler. Instead of serving a traditional birthday cake, we made a pancake cake, which was a dozen giant pancakes (12-inch diameter) stacked together and garnished with whipped cream, chocolate chips and strawberries. We served it with syrup, extra whipped cream and assorted fruit/melon. For an activity, each girl decorated a white pillowcase using fabric markers. This also served as their party favor. My daughter is now almost 13 & her friends still talk about the giant pancake cake when they sleep over at our house.
Brittanie says
Hi! Could you post your other signs, like for donuts and the coffee? This is an adorable idea! Unfortunately I have no idea how make signs of my own! Thank you!
Bisi says
Absolutely Brilliant! I can wait to do this party for my kids next birthday.
Nicole says
Do you sell this invite?! I was looking for a different party idea for my daughters upcoming 6th birthday and this is IT!
Bree says
Love this party!!! I wasn't able to download the placemats for free either. It required a membership fee. Please help!!!!
Alicia says
I love the birthday placemats but was not able to download for free...am I required to subscribe? Thanks!
Christina says
Hi can you please help me with the invations where can I find those please ????
Thanks for sharing everything else
Laura says
How cake-y was the pancake cake recipe you used? I would like to have a pancake-looking cake for my daughter's non-slumber birthday party, but I'm worried that this may not taste like cake since it uses only a small amount of cake mix.
Marisa says
I too would love to know about the font and program you used for your signs. We are doing a breakfast for the parent volunteers at our school in a few weeks and would love to put some cute touches out like the donut sign. Love all of the ones you used just without the birthday theme :) I am sure your daughter had a blast!!
Tara says
What a great party! I was wondering what fonts, formatting for the dots, etc. you used? I was able to get the signs you posted but I would like to make some additional signs. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Carrie says
I just love this party!!! What an awesome mommy you are. I do have a question though, I absolutely love the fonts for the signs, what fonts did you use? You have an a,aging talent by the way.
Misty says
Thank you so much!!
LaVonne says
I just saw the link to this party...guess I missed it the first time!
Anyway - LOVE this idea & party details! Thanks for sharing the printables too! :)
Your Hostess says
Thank you ALL for your kind words! I've just uploaded the birthday signs and placemats so you can download them for FREE. I've made placemats for ages 1-6. Feel free to print and use at your birthday breakfast parties! Get them here: http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/3545438
Rebecca Evans says
Is there any chance you have an 8 birthday placemat please, they are perfect for my daughters party thanks in advance
Kristen says
love the placemats too? howd you do them???? anyway to share your file? I'm doing a two year old party.
Jen B says
Just curious how you made your placemats? Love them, love all your ideas you are super creative! I am doing the same theme but for a two year old so hope it goes as well haha!
Misty says
I love this idea, do you have anything you can email for the signs you put in the picture frames?
mara says
so nice idea!!
Cindy says
So cute! We had a pancakes and pajama party for my little girl last year too! And now, she says she wants a pajama party every year...so wonderful to have new inspiration in case we really do have one again ;)
Printable Party Invites says
I have joined many theme parties but first time come to know about Pajama party.Its simply great! Very unique idea for breakfast party.Thanks for sharing.
Lissa (Bellenza) says
What a darling party! You tied every detail into the theme so cleverly...and adorably!
Larissa says
I love this idea for preschool age kids. The pancakes with sprinkles, and the pancake relay are so creative.
Brittany @GreyGrey Designs says
This is SO ADORABLE!!!!! I want a pancake party now! And Brittany killed it with those toppers! Fabulous!
Alejandra Morin {The Marshmallow Studio} says
You are SOOOO creative Tori. What a neat idea and very unique. This is a party I can totally see me doing one day for my little boys. Thank you for the sweet inspiration. Also, OMG Edible Details and A to Zebra Celebrations are also mega talented... they really nailed it with their fun additions! Great Party!!
Tori says
Stephanie, the glass milk bottles were a thrift store find!
Stephanie says
such a cute party.. love love all of the details! I have to ask you ... where did you find the glass bottles for the milk? I have been looking everywhere!
Thanks :)
Kim @ The Celebration Shoppe says
Lovely party Tori! Happy birthday to your little one!
Val says
This is one of the most creative get-togethers I've ever seen. I love the theme and all your cute touches on everything. Truly adorable and fun. :)
Your Hostess says
Thank you all for the kind words -- made my night!
nancy pfeifer says
wow! everything looks beautiful...love this theme!! so creative :) thank you for including me :)
Rebekah {A Blissful Nest} says
Tori, this is too darn cute! I love your attention to detail. And your daughter is gorgeous!
Rachel - Haute Chocolate says
Such a perfect theme for younger girls. How fun!
Ann Omabons says
so lovely!
Michelle {Sweet Mady} says
What a gorgeous party! I absolutely love the theme.
Melissa C says
Adorable Party!
Emily Sickman says
This is the cutest idea ever! So cute!!
Tori says
Thank you Emily! It was a lot of fun :)